Did I mention that Tia loves the color PINK (any hue as long as it's pink all is well) and she loves flowers too...Anyway it was no surprise when Ty asked her last year what flower would she like to plant she replied roses and pink ones too please. Yes, Ty is my landscaper extraordinaire and I love his hard work on the yard.
Back to Miss Pinky Pants besides dropping ripe banana peels* by her rose brush and watering them, her roses came in better this year. She was so thrilled that she cut a couple and displayed them in a vase for all of us to enjoy. Thanks Tia!
{ Garden Tip of the day }: banana peels placed around roses deter aphids all while giving your roses potassium and other good things.
WoW! those are ginormous roses. Good job Tia (and Ty). So pretty in pink Tia.
Qu'elle est belle "la rose" de votre jardin...
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