Fakarava, French Polynesia vacation. Picture taken by my friend Vahinerii.

"Our Oasis in the desert is our family."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tia loves this new Primary song - so do I...

"The Family Is of God"
Words and music: Matthew Neeley

1. Our Father has a family. It's me! It's you, all others too: we are His children.
He sent each one of us to earth, through birth, to live and learn here in families.
2. A father's place is to preside, provide, to love and teach the gospel to his children.
A father leads in family prayer to share their love for Father in Heaven.
3. A mother's purpose is to care, prepare, to nurture and to strengthen all her children.
She teaches children to obey, to pray, to love and serve in the family.
4. I'll love and serve my family and be a good example to each family member.
And when I am a mom or dad, so glad, I'll help my family remember.

God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be - This is how He shares His love, for the family is of God.

© 2008 by Matthew Neeley. All rights reserved.
This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.


"I'll be a Sunbeam for Him".

It's official as of Sunday 4th, 2009 Jonathan Hampton is a SUNBEAM.
With Church starting at 9:00am and having to get three kids ready by myself I forgot to take our camera or even take a before and after picture. However a good friend was taking pictures of the newcomers and emailed me this cute shot of my Sunbeam! Thanks Julie! Prior to becoming a Sunbeam he learned how to sing the "Sunbeam" song and loved it, it's one of Jonathan's favorites. Jonathan has been looking forward to this day and likes the fact that he has "graduated" to a "big class" and will be associating with the "big kids" now.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

To my family and friends:

Bonne Annee!

Ia Ora na i te Matahiti Api!

Have a Happy New Year!