My friend
Lydia tagged me. I am supposed to post the fourth picture in the fourth folder in my My Pictures folder and then tell about it. Since Ty & I share picture folders this is what was in our 4
th folder however this is not the 4
th picture. We only have 3 pictures in this folder (?) and so this is the 3rd picture in my forth folder - sorry.
This picture was taken Dec. 23, 2006 by Ty just a couple of days before Christmas.
Ty had asked Tia to help him wash the Yukon. It was a chilly morning but that didn't stop our Tia, she was so happy to help.
On a side note: Tia likes to "play store" in her room, pretend she's a waitress before meals and "places orders", likes to make posters and charts for various things. She might be shy but she is very creative and loves to serve and finds fun ways to make her work not so much of a chore.
So back to this picture - Tia made a "Car Wash" poster with her playful conditions $5 or FREE and stuck it on the garage. If I remember right not only did she help wash Ty's vehicle but she went the extra mile and washed mine as well.
We love our sweet daughter and can't imagine life without her. She is a joy to have in our home and family. She is a wonderful big sister, a good helper and is such a loving and kind person.
She is beautiful inside and out.
I now tag: my sista Lois, Margo, Mandy, Kista and Tracy.