Our Thanksgiving was spent locally this year and it was good. Things didn’t work out to go to UT and now with my sister living in NZ our “every other Thanksgiving hosting” didn’t happen for obvious reasons. However it’s wonderful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints - a ward family. A sweet family in our ward happily invited us to feast with them. A new Thanksgiving idea (Thanksgiving “kernels”), good company, good food and football makes a good day - a Happy Thanksgiving day! It’s a Hampton (extended) family tradition to see a movie after Thanksgiving. I’ve never asked why but I’m assuming it’s the guys (there are just way too many boys in the Hampton home) way of making it up to the ladies for watching FOOTBALL most of the day...
Here is a lovely picture of us after Saturday’s viewing of Disney’s “Christmas Carol” in 3D (thus the “nerdy” glasses.) BTW great movie - a classic.
Joshua doesn’t want to be a part of this not so cool moment, I don’t blame him but hey it’s funny looking! Good thing everyone wears these beauties in the DARK!!!